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Chat logs of #funderscore for Monday, 2024-11-25

Chat logs of #funderscore for Monday, 2024-11-25

08:17 <f_> missed the stream :/

08:20 <f_~h> !flags

08:20 <f_~h> !flags pkfpycjz|m*!*@*        -V

08:20 -moist~h- f_ (funderscore) set flags -V on pkfpycjz|m*!*@*

08:20 <f_~h> !flags *!~pkfpycjzm@fd1a:6295:5133::f715 +V

08:20 -moist~h- f_ (funderscore) set flags +V on *!~pkfpycjzm@fd1a:6295:5133::f715

08:20 <f_~h> !sync

08:20 -moist~h- f_ (funderscore) used SYNC.

08:20 *** moist~h sets mode: -o+v Noti~h pmOSchan|m~h

08:20 <f_~h> noti!!!!

08:20 *** f_~h sets mode: +o Noti~h

08:21 <f_~h> Not like it really needs op though..

08:21 <f_~h> let me bringup identd

08:23 *** Quits: Noti~h (~Notificat@2001:1600:10:100::4b9) (Quit: bye)

08:23 *** Joins: Noti~h (~Notificat@2001:1600:10:100::4b9)

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09:45 <JAA~h> f_: Your #ircv3 question made me think about an IRC proxy à la HTTP CONNECT. Yo dawg, we herd u liek IRC...

09:46 <f_~h> yes I like IRC, who would've thought?

09:46 <f_~h> how did you know? :p

09:46 <f_~h> This is where plenty of people come in and say "hey matrix is superior!!!"

09:47 <f_~h> https://xkcd.com/1782/

09:47 *** f_~h sets mode: +o Noti~h

09:48 <f_~h> JAA: But I thought more of something bouncer-like but not actually a bouncer.

09:48 <JAA~h> Upon joining a channel, the proxy creates a new connection to the server specified in the channel name. Then the user sends 'PRIVMSG #ircs://irc.example.org:6697 :NICK NotJAA' etc. to register.

09:49 <JAA~h> You disconnect by parting the channel. The part message can be reused for the QUIT.

09:49 <JAA~h> Or you can explicitly quit, and then you'll be SAPARTed or KICKed.

09:49 <JAA~h> This is brilliant. :-)

09:51 <f_~h> so you'd `JOIN #ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697` to connect to libera

09:51 <JAA~h> Yeah

09:51 <f_~h> and `PRIVMSG #ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697 :NICK Not-f_` etc?

09:51 <JAA~h> Yes

09:51 <f_~h> And the channel would basically have all raw irc messages?

09:51 <JAA~h> Or probably, you'd be using an actual IRC client, so you'd `/join #ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697` and then just send `NICK NotJAA` in the channel you joined.

09:52 <JAA~h> You might want to use a script in your client for automatic PONGs. :-)

09:52 <f_~h> then how do you join actual channels?

09:52 <JAA~h> Yep, just PRIVMSGs in and out for the raw IRC messages.

09:52 <f_~h> ok

09:52 <JAA~h> By sending `JOIN #foo` in the #ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697 channel.

09:53 <f_~h> sure sure

09:53 <f_~h> What would be your usecase for implementing this?

09:55 <JAA~h> Nerdy, pointless, and esoteric fun

09:55 <f_~h>

09:58 <JAA~h> (The stuff my brain comes up with when I should've been in bed several hours ago...)

09:59 <f_~h> I'm not aware of any #funderscore rule saying "no crazy ideas".. ;)

10:05 <JAA~h> :-)

11:51 *** Quits: DigitalDragons~h (~digi@arto.servers.digitaldragon.dev) (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))

11:54 *** Joins: DigitalDragons~h (~digi@arto.servers.digitaldragon.dev)

11:54 *** moist~h sets mode: +v DigitalDragons~h

11:54 *** Quits: DigitalDragons~h (~digi@arto.servers.digitaldragon.dev) (*.net *.split)

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11:54 *** Quits: LinkServ (ircbridge@fun.irc.andrewyu.org) (*.net *.split)

11:56 *** Joins: Logger (s-fun@2001:1600:10:100::4b9)

11:56 *** irc.runxiyu.org sets mode: +v Logger

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11:56 *** irc.runxiyu.org sets mode: +v runxiyu

11:58 *** Quits: f_1 (vdoSoju@services.irc.vitali64.duckdns.org) (*.net *.split)

11:58 *** Quits: DuckServ (\_o<@services.irc.vitali64.duckdns.org) (*.net *.split)

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11:58 *** fun.irc.runxiyu.org sets mode: +o DuckServ

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12:02 *** fun.irc.runxiyu.org sets mode: +o DuckServ

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12:02 *** irc.andrewyu.org sets mode: +vqovvvohvooovoovvovv Larsenv~h f_ f_ f_ JAA~h Riku_V LinkServ Elestren pmOSchan|m~h f_[x]~h Danct12~h Noisytoot~h Saphir moist~h katia~h leah Juest~h f_[z]~h ducky TheTechRobo~h

12:02 *** irc.andrewyu.org sets mode: +vvqooovvovvv runxiyu|m~h riku~h f_[l] f_[l] katia_~h f_~h QuteVoiceHacker~h Noisytoot Noti~h hexaheximal|m~h Danct12 runxiyu~h

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12:02 *** irc.andrewyu.org sets mode: +vvvvvvq longnoserob|m~h eggdrop~h that_lurker~h [R]~h ducky~h DigitalDragons~h f_[x]

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12:52 *** h.relay.fun.irc.andrewyu.org sets mode: +oovvv Noti~h f_[x]~h runxiyu~h eggdrop~h QuteVoiceHacker~h

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13:30 *** h.relay.fun.irc.andrewyu.org sets mode: +oovvvvovvvovvovvovoo Danct12~h Noisytoot~h ducky~h QuteVoiceHacker~h runxiyu|m~h JAA~h katia~h DigitalDragons~h [R]~h pmOSchan|m~h katia_~h eggdrop~h hexaheximal|m~h moist~h riku~h runxiyu~h Noti~h that_lurker~h f_[z]~h f_[x]~h

13:30 *** h.relay.fun.irc.andrewyu.org sets mode: +vovvv longnoserob|m~h f_~h TheTechRobo~h Juest~h Larsenv~h

13:54 *** Quits: tester1 (~tester@tor/onion) (The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.)

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19:24 *** Quits: ducky (~ducky@ (Connection closed)

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23:05 *** moist~h sets mode: +v [R]~h

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